Dorothy Russell
Textile Artist
Tutorial No 4. How To Sandwich Quilt Layers Using Safety Pins and a Spoon
There are three layers to a quilt – top, wadding and backing. When layering in preparation for quilting, some people insist on tacking the layers together but I find this process laborious. I prefer to use safety pins whether I am hand or machine quilting.
Once the three layers are assembled on a smooth, firm surface, using a spoon to help putting the pins in can save your fingers a lot of pain and enables you to disturb the quilt as little as possible. If you insist on tacking the layers together, you can adapt this method for getting the needle through with much less difficulty too.

Whatever the size of your quilt, place the layers on a smooth firm surface in the correct order.

The backing will be face down, the wadding will be next, then the top, face up. Make sure there are no wrinkles in any of the layers.

You will need good quality, sharp safety pins which are around the size shown in the photos. Your spoon can be whichever size you find easy to manipulate: I usually use a teaspoon or dessert spoon.

Push the open safety pin through the three layers of fabric. The spoon is standing by ready for action.

As you push the pin further through, use the edge of the bowl of the spoon to hold down the fabric near the point where the pin will come up through the layers.

As the pin emerges from the fabric pick it up on the edge of the spoon.

Gently twist the spoon to raise the point of the safety pin …

…until you are able to close it.

Withdraw the spoon and make sure the pin is lying correctly.

The pin is in place with very little disturbance to the quilt layers.

Continue to add evenly spaced pins across the quilt.

If you have a large quilt you may wish to have more safety pins in the area where you intend to commence quilting. They can then be taken out and moved to the next area once you have quilted the first section.
Did that help?… email me and tell me.
Take a look at Tutorial No 5:- How to make and bury a knot at the end of the thread.